Bakar Nasi Lemak agak-agak sedap tak?? tapi ini cerita bukan pasal bakar nasi lemak tapi bakar lemak yang da tepu dari zaman kecik-kecik lagi yang duk tibai semua makanan dan makan sampai tak ade untuk hari esok..sebab tula badan dipam-pam..hahaha..mungkin jugak faktor senang gemuk..tapi tula..orang yang kerempeng nak gemuk tapi orang gemuk nak kerempeng..macam biase manusia selalu tak bersyukur..tapi rasenya better la kita ke arah jage kesihatan..kalau gemuk tapi tak sihat pun tak bagus..kalau kurus tapi lemah pun tak bagus..=) tapi skang ni aku nak share 1 tips nak bakar senang je..It seems that people can't get enough of weight loss and fat burning tips. Good fat loss tips based on successful experience of other people are great, but only if you apply them. Try to apply at least one of the following tips:

Need to drink cold water or plain water.This is also known as "hydrotherapy" and is a very efficient method that significantly contributes to fat burning and weight loss. Do the following:
- When you wake up in the morning, drink 32 ounces of very cold water on an empty stomach.
- Wait at least 30 minutes before you eat breakfast.
Now, what is the secret behind this tips? Simple. The cold water will force your body to raise its core temperature and thus stimulate your metabolism. Perform cardio workout but in intervals
*** tambahan min 2liter setiap hari ok..kalau dapat minum air kosong lg banyak lagi la bagus...uhuks
***senangkan??? tak susah mane kurangkan minum air manis-manis ye kawan-kawan..walaupun anda tidak gemuk tapi anda mungkin jugak akan kena penyakit kencing manis..! beware..=)
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